Sunday, February 21, 2016

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #52 “Our One-Year Anniversary”



This marks the 52nd edition of our “2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty” weekly series.  I will share with you unabashedly that the purpose of this column has been to pose and discuss how Liberty works and Big Government does not in facing and resolving so many varied problem areas.  So I hope not only that you have thought about and considered these critically important realizations throughout the past year, but that you have also forwarded these columns and thoughts on to your social media friends so that these ideas may become more wide-spread and accepted.

With those thoughts in mind, and since I deeply believe that our country is going in the wrong direction, my intent is also to show you how Governor Gary Johnson is the only candidate running for President who actually will employ these concepts of Liberty to put our great country back on the right track.  But not only does he talk a good game, he actually put Liberty into effect during the eight years he was the governor of New Mexico.  And the results show it!  After his two terms he left the state with a $ billion surplus, all the while working well with both Republicans AND Democrats on financial and social issues.  Recently Governor Johnson announced his candidacy for the 2016 Libertarian nomination for President.  Please look into this man, what he has done, who he is, and what he would do as President for our country.  Governor Gary Johnson is the most qualified person to be President I know of, and if you look into it yourself, I truly believe you will come to the same conclusion!  So Big Time Help is on the Way!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)                         

2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice

President, along with Governor 

Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration.  And by the way, now I am on Facebook at Facebook at, LinkedIn at, and Twitter with username as @JudgeJimGrayOAI, or  Please visit these sites, and pass them along to your social world.


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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #50 “Liberty Freely to Publish”

Jim-Gray_Waterwark-11-600x600Recently my wife and I saw two movies: “Spotlight” and “Concussion.”  Both are hard-hitting movies that focus upon perceived large-scale damages being perpetrated upon many people by two large and powerful institutions: the Catholic Church and the National Football League.  Whether the facts depicted in these movies are true, recklessly false or true-but-exaggerated I leave to your conclusions and our various laws covering libel and defamation.  But the ability for movie makers – or any of us – freely to publish arguments like these is fundamental to Liberty.

As you probably know, the first of these movies alleges a wide-ranging cover-up by the Catholic Church in Boston of its priests’ sexual molestations of children.  The second alleges a cover-up by the NFL of the fact that repeated head-to-head collisions by its football players cause brain trauma resulting in predictably bazaar behavior, homelessness and suicide.  And it speaks well for our society that even these two powerful and even cherished institutions were not able to smother or curtail these exposes.  Liberty means being able to place minority and even disfavored views and claims into the open marketplace so that they can be heard and scrutinized by the voting and consuming public.  To which freedom-minded people everywhere should shout: Hear!  Hear!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)                         

2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice

President, along with Governor 

Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration.  And by the way, now I am on Facebook at Facebook at, LinkedIn at, and Twitter with username as @JudgeJimGrayOAI, or  Please visit these sites, and pass them along to your social world.


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Saturday, February 6, 2016

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #51 “Liberty and Governmental Licensing”

unnamedMost people feel that the government protects them from being sold inferior services by requiring the providers to be licensed.  That may have been the original intent, but the actual practice has strayed far from that result.  Instead many vested interests have used government licensing requirements simply to protect themselves from competition from others.  And frequently those being restrained are young people just trying to get started in the business world.  Examples of this are rampant, such as in braiding hair, selling caskets, providing childcare or teeth-whitening services and many more.

The cosmetology lobby keeps people from braiding hair without a license, even though few if any of the schools of cosmetology teach that skill.  The morticians lobby has mostly been able to restrict the sales of caskets only for its members.  There are no special dentistry skills required for the whitening of teeth, but the dentist lobby works actively to restrict this business solely for its members.  Instead, if people were “allowed” to provide these services simply by being privately bonded, the customers could decide whether the services deserved their business.  For example, many stay-at-home moms would like to provide child care services for their neighbors, but cannot get a license because they don’t have enough bathrooms in their houses, or their doorways are not wide enough to allow for wheelchair access.  Of course, that results in their potential consumers either being forced to pay more money or travel longer distances for childcare services – or simply do without.  Or it results in all participants resorting to the completely uncontrolled Black Market.  But under this suggested approach, the private bonding companies would certainly require a threshold of competence and safety, but otherwise the customers could choose.  So not only would this approach promote Liberty, more people would be able to enter the marketplace, which would result in the costs of all of these services being reduced.  The same analysis applies to the practice of law, but that will be addressed in a future “2 Paragraphs.”

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)                         

2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice

President, along with Governor 

Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration.  And by the way, now I am on Facebook at Facebook at, LinkedIn at, and Twitter with username as @JudgeJimGrayOAI, or  Please visit these sites, and pass them along to your social world.


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Friday, February 5, 2016

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #49 “Liberty and the Right to Travel”

judgejimgray_onthebenchLiberty requires the right to unrestricted foreign travel, so our government generally should have no right to impede that travel.  It does have the right to place somereasonable conditions upon that right – but only in those rare occasions in which that travel is for the purpose of causing material harm to our national safety or interests.  So today if we want to travel to North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela or virtually anywhere else, as free people we should have the right to do so without any restrictions, much less sanctions.

One of the rare situations in which the government could place restrictions would be for travel to places like Syria, Iraq or Libya to join terrorist forces as they fight against humanity.  If those people are not citizens, they should have that right, but with the express condition that they could never return to the United States.  Of course it is a violation of international law to prohibit citizens from returning to their own country.  So our government would be justified to pass and enforce a law that would impose a prison sentence for a conviction upon our citizens who traveled or attempted to travel to those areas of the world.  But that sanction could be avoided by those travelers if they voluntarily renounced their citizenship before they departed.  Thus they could be treated as a non-citizen.  This overall approach would accomplish two important purposes.  First, it would uphold the critically important freedom to travel.  And, second, if someone has terrorist tendencies, it would be better for them to be in those other places instead of here.  So once again, Liberty works both to our philosophical as well as our practical advantage.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)                         

2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice

President, along with Governor 

Gary Johnson as the candidate for President


Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration.  And by the way, now I am on Facebook at Facebook at, LinkedIn at, and Twitter with username as @JudgeJimGrayOAI, or  Please visit these sites, and pass them along to your social world.


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Monday, February 1, 2016

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #47 “Liberty and The Victim Mentality”

Screen Shot 2012-06-01 at 1.05.41 PMAs I have said before in this column, Henry Ford was socially not my favorite person in the world, but one of his quotes should be emblazoned upon the thoughts of every American: “Anyone who feels they can thrive by relying upon the government should talk to the American Indian.”  In other words, the “Victim Mentality” doesn’t work.  And unfortunately, it gets people down and keeps them there.

A second quote from Milton Friedman should be similarly emblazoned: “No society in the history of man has lifted itself up out of poverty except through a system of Free Enterprise and Private Property Rights.”  In other words, Liberty works!  So choose.  Of course we should have a Safety Net for those among us who are in need, but we shouldalways combine that with a program with incentives to earn the extra dollar.  Why?  Because we care about people, and want them to prosper and have a better life.  And we can do that by setting up a system of equal justice and opportunity for all to attain success and prosperity through education, economic risk-taking and just plain hard work.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)                         

2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice

President, along with Governor 

Gary Johnson as the candidate for President


Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration.  And by the way, now I am on Facebook at Facebook at, LinkedIn at, and Twitter with username as @JudgeJimGrayOAI, or  Please visit these sites, and pass them along to your social world.


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