Monday, April 24, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #114 “Liberty Is In Our Bones”

James-P.-Gray             According to our Declaration of Independence, Constitution’s Preamble, Statue of Liberty and many other icons of our history, Liberty is in the bones of our great country In fact, as accurately stated by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address, our great nation literally was “conceived in Liberty.”  So this is not some marginal or philosophical issue, it is the foundation for our country.  But do we actually care today?  Is it still really important to us?  If so, do we stand up and protect it when we vote, or when in our daily lives we see people with ostensible authority over us or others overstep their bounds?  Or do we meekly surrender our Liberty because of yet another restriction thrust upon us at airports by the TSA, or our rights to Free Speech because it might “hurt the feelings” of the listeners, or in our right often simply to be left alone by government and other people?

Let each one of us resolve right now – today – to make Liberty a big part of who we are and how we act.  As citizens of this great country we certainly have many rights that are deprived to many people of other countries.  But we also have responsibilities.  What are those?  To vote, to serve on juries when called upon and also to pay our taxes.  (Yes, as a Libertarian I believe taxes are much too high, but that is an issue for a different column.)  But we also have a responsibility to “make the system work!”  That means, among other things, we should step up as individuals when we see that government or other entities are depriving Liberty either to us or to others who are not able to stand up for themselves.  Benjamin Franklin famously said that any people who would compromise a little Liberty for a little more security deserve neither.  With today’s threats of terrorism directly resulting in increased government surveillance and intrusion, as well as so-called “Freedom From Speech” zones, these are also the “times that try men’s souls.”  How will historians write about how we stood up for the Liberty that is our heritage?  The Founders of our Great Country, and our descendents, are counting on us!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration, and to further the discussion. And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejimgrayOAI, and wordpress at  Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #113 “My Act Back Then Was Not Based On Liberty”

gray       This past April 8, I “celebrated” my 25th anniversary of having publicly spoken out against our nation’s failed and hopeless policy of Drug Prohibition.  But my position at that time was really based only upon pragmatism, not philosophy.  At that time while looking back over my own experience as a criminal defense attorney in the Navy, a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, and a trial court judge for almost nine years, I had concluded that we were simply churning low-level drug offenders through the criminal justice system for no particularly good purpose, but at great expense of time and resources.  Furthermore, even when we occasionally arrested, convicted and incarcerated a big-time drug dealer, the same illicit drugs were still plentifully available on the streets in the same neighborhoods within at least a week.  Why?  Because other dealers simply and rightly saw it as an employment opportunity.  In addition, I also had concluded that all of the violence and corruption – and beheadings – in Mexico, for example, had literally nothing to do with drugs, they were all caused by drug money.

Only later as I started thinking as a Libertarian did I also conclude that this was also a matter of Liberty.  For example, the government should have as much ability to control what I, as an adult, put into my body as it does what I put into my mind!  It’s none of the government’s business!  But if, for example, I drive a motor vehicle under the influence of, you name it, marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine or alcohol, that is – and should be – a crime.  Why?  Because now I am putting your safety at risk.  So the answer is to hold adults accountable for their actions, but not what they put into their bodies.  Accordingly, now I am fully convinced that we simply must repeal Drug Prohibition both for pragmatic as well as philosophical reasons!  Again, why?  Because the criminal justice was designed for – and is quite good at – protecting us from each other, but is not designed for – and is truly not good at – protecting us from ourselves.  Thus, in this important area like in so many others, Liberty brings the best results.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration, and to further the discussion. And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejimgrayOAI, and wordpress at Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #112 “Could Greed Be Good?”

Untitled          In his book No They Can’t – Why Government Fails but Individuals Succeed, John Stossel again poses the question “Could greed be good?”  Remember how much criticism Ayn Rand received when she openly wrote and stated that Greed is Good?  Well, they are both right.  The problem really comes from their choice of words, because they have negative connotations.  But both writers are discussing is that when people act (legally) in their own financial self-interest, basically everyone wins.  A great explanation of this reality comes from the definitive essay entitled “I, Pencil,” where author Leonard Read explains how so many different people provide us with pencils by harvesting wood, graphite and clay powders for the pencil’s lead, and rubber and metals for erasers, and then transporters, advertisers and merchants all act in their own economic self-interest (i.e. greed) to provide the finished product, even though they do not really work with or even know each other.  Thus it should be readily apparent that government is not able to do nearly as good and effective job at supplying goods and services as individuals acting in their own economic self-interest.

So why should we expect government to do a better job than private individuals or companies at delivering the mail, building or repairing highways, or providing good schools or quality healthcare for reasonable prices?  The answer is that government should be used in some areas like K through 12 education to set minimum guidelines, and others like building or repairing highways to issuing contracts and then monitoring the operations to ensure that specifications, quality controls and prices are met.  But otherwise government should leave these matters for the Free Enterprise System, where individuals will be free to act in a “greedy” fashion.  In other words, John Stossel and Ayn Rand were right: in this context, Greed Really is Good!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration and to further the discussion.   And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejimgrayOAI, and wordpress at  Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #111 “Housing Crisis? Try Liberty!”

images     On page B3 of the Sunday, March 19, 2017 edition of the Los Angeles Times, there were two stories bemoaning the unaffordability of housing in California.  So the lawmakers in Sacramento have been springing into action by proposing more than 130 bills that try to “tackle” the issue.  Included in these is a bill that would provide a fund of $100 million of taxpayer money to help build housing for teachers, who otherwise would not be able to afford to live in their school districts.  But the only law we really need to employ is the law of supply and demand!

Think about it this way.  If you were an investor, why would you invest in building apartment buildings if the rent was being capped by rent-control laws which would keep you from being able to get a maximum return on your investment.  You would put your money elsewhere – which directly results in a scarcity of apartment units which, in turn, drives up the rents.  Even worse, if you were an investor who already owned apartment buildings that were subject to rent control, you would do everything you lawfully could to convert your units into condominiums – or parking lots – so that you could get a stronger return on your investment.  And if that isn’t enough, these serious but foreseeable problems have been compounded by the fact that about 25 percent of the cost of building new homes, apartment buildings or condominiums is spent attempting to comply with basically unnecessary government regulations.  This is what has fueled the unaffordability of housing!  The resolution: Employ Liberty!  Reduce government involvement and allow the market to satisfy the demand, and this government-generated crisis will be a thing of the past.  In other words, get the government out of the affordable housing business, and let Liberty handle it.  That is what works!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration and to further the discussion. And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at judgejimgrayoai, and wordpress at  Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #110 “Depriving Liberty Brings Obligations”

rsz_judgegray     Without question, there are times when some people should/must be deprived of their Liberty due to things like criminal convictions or mental health issues.  In what situations and for how long that is to occur are issues for a different day.  But when the State does take people into its custody, it has an absolute obligation to do its best to protect every one of them from harm, and to provide them with competent medical care, treatment and services as needed.  And, yes, sometimes that means they should receive better treatment than they would receive on their own on the outside. Nevertheless, in the last few decades many jurisdictions in our country have failed to live up to these fundamental obligations.

To begin with, the largest “mental health” institutions in most local jurisdictions (including Orange and Los Angeles Counties) are their local jails.  Too many times the mentally ill are routinely shoved into cells and either denied proper care or overmedicated simply to keep them from “causing trouble.”  To my lasting regret, there were some times during the middle 1980s where I could see that this was happening with defendants who were appearing in my own courtroom when I did not intercede.  And suicides from those mentally fragile people are not uncommon.  In fact, it is estimated by the Huffington Post that about one-third of more than 800 jail deaths in our country between July of 2015 and July of 2016 actually were suicides. Whose fault is this? Bluntly, it is our government, and if it is not working, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  So please take these issues into account when you are voting or talking to your local officials.  Some things are too fundamentally important in a civilized society to be ignored or left to others.

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration and to further the discussion. And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at JudgeJimGrayOAI, and wordpress at  Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.


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Monday, April 3, 2017

2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: #109 “The Liberty To Fall Down”

Untitled           Back when I was growing up, our family rule was for my sister and I to be home in time for dinner.  Otherwise, we were mostly on our own.  So we learned to make forts, climb trees, invent games and wrestle with our friends, all the while learning by our experiences to control and reduce risks in whatever we happened to be doing.  Yes, sometimes we fell down, but we learned from our missteps to be more careful the next time.  In fact, starting with kindergarten, I was walking about a mile to school along a busy street either with others or by myself (I was simply told to be careful and always to cross the busy street with the crossing guard). And through all of these activities, all of us lived to tell about them!

Today in many ways we have gotten away from that approach.  Our children mostly play only in organized sports practices or games, they are “safely” driven everywhere and are only allowed to play on monkey bars if there is foam rubber padding on the ground beneath them.  And it is virtually child abuse to let them walk to school by themselves!  But that is a shame.  Statistics show it is no less safe today for children to walk to school than it was when I was growing up.  Furthermore, losing this Liberty to Fall Down has resulted in fewer young people realistically being able to calculate risks in the business world or elsewhere in their lives.  Unfortunately, this has also been accompanied by a rise in concern that our children could be injured by “micro-aggressions,” so that we must be detect “trigger warnings” so we can protect these “snowflake” children from melting into a puddle if anything goes wrong by creating “safe places” to which they can retreat (from the real world).  All of this is summed up by the quote: “All the worry in the world doesn’t prevent death, it prevents life.”  So let’s ease away from some of the protections, and let our children (gradually) learn to grow up in Liberty.  It’s a better way, more fun and also a better result!

Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President,
along with Governor Gary Johnson as the candidate for President

Please forward this on to your circle of friends for their consideration, and to further the discussion.  And by the way, these columns are now on Facebook and LinkedIn at judgejimgray, Twitter at JudgeJimGrayOAI, and wordpress at  Please visit these sites for past editions, and do your part to spread the word about the importance of Liberty.

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